Tag: Policy

Climate Change: The Unsettled Science – Part 1

“In 2019, approximately five hundred scientists, engineers, economists and academic researchers submitted a letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations stating the following: ‘There is no climate emergency. Therefore, there is no cause for panic.’”

We Have Become a Nation That Has Lost Its Collective Mind

“If you possess a rational mind, you cannot justify what’s going on in America in 2024.  Up is down; down is up.  Crime is celebrated; law- abiding citizens are fools.  Shoplifting is cool; paying for your groceries is for suckers.  When a male pretends to be a woman, you are…

The U.S. Has The Biggest Government In The History Of The World

“Running that gigantic government requires more money than we actually have, and so we are going into staggering amounts of debt. The combined net worth of the most prominent billionaires in the United States would not be enough to pay a single year’s interest payment on America’s ballooning national debt.“

Unpacking Climate Lies (“Wrong Again – 2023 Edition”)

“2023’s apocalyptic climate claims hit heights of nonsense not seen since 1969. Wrong Again: 2023 ‘Hottest Lying Ever’ Edition is the latest installment in the Wrong Again series. It spotlights an unlucky 13 climate claims from 2023 and before, that didn’t survive the year.”

5M People Have Fled ‘Blue States’ in the Last Decade

“If you look at the states that gained the most population over the last 10 years, you’re talking about Florida, Texas, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia; the Southeast now has a larger GDP — total combined economic output — than the Northeast. That’s the first time that’s ever happened…